Stereo’s, Receivers, and Tuners; Oh My!

You’re in Idaho, sitting on your porch with your dog. You happen to be listening to the rock-and-rolls from your stereo when all of a sudden, a tornado appears. You head to the entrance of your basement, which for some reason is outside, but the tornado-force winds fell a tree which happened to land specifically on your basement entrance! You run inside, dive under your bed, and the tornado takes you, your dog, and your entire house to the magical wonderland known as the Reuseum. You ponder in amazement at all of the electronics spread throughout the shelves. An employee […]

Technology from a Bygone Era

Aunt Linda needs a new VCR player to play the thousands of VHS tapes she has around the house. Legends speak of the players that played them, almost fit for museums now. One might have to scour the internet to uncover a player in working condition. But luckily for your aunt the Reuseum has her back! Along with the many kinds of ancient audio technologies we carry, from turntables to tube amplifiers, VCR players are one of the items we get fairly frequently! Able to play that limited edition, ULTRA RARE movie, Attack of the Killer Refrigerator, or even better, […]

Laptop Computers For Any Situation!

You end up searching the internet for the latest and greatest cat video out there! You sit down on your couch, wrap yourself up in a warm, fluffy blanket, and set your laptop on your lap to get yourself ready for the adorable cat that’s sweeping the nation. Halfway through the video your computer crashes and ,in complete desperation try everything in your power to get your laptop to work, but to no avail. In these situations, one may never know what to do. You may go to work the next day hearing rumors about how the adorable cat did […]

Idaho Gives 2020

May 8, 2020 – Huge thank you to everyone for supporting us this year for Idaho Gives! A lot of people donated to so many nonprofits and we are just happy that we received some of that support too! Stay safe, and thanks again for all your support! Idaho Gives – a program of the Idaho Nonprofit Center – is designed to bring the state together, raising money and awareness for Idaho nonprofits. Due to the increased need of support to the nonprofit sector, because of COVID-19 the online giving period has been extended! Donations can be collected from April […]

Vintage Computer Technology!

Another 21 days means another 21 days of stuff you want to do! Why not stop by the Reuseum and pick up some vintage computer technology in order to spice up that retro computer museum you have always wanted to make. Are you an Apple fenatic? Then perhaps picking up an Apple IIc would be the decision you make! Is your favorite state Texas? Then how about a Texas Instrument TI-99/4A computer for your TI calculator collection! Or maybe printers are your way of life? Getting the Okidata Okimate 20 printer would be a possible solution! If your interest has […]

For Those Proclamated Individuals

According to the governor of Idaho, the Reuseum is considered an essential business! For those of you who are still looking for devices that are required to work from home, such as computers, monitors, computer cables, etc., stopping by the store is the thing to do to get those kinds of items you need. Alternatively, if you are simply looking for things to do during the 21-day stay-at-home proclamation, we have electronic components for household projects, DIY products for everyday prospects, or even stereos and other audio equipment for neighborhood comments. No matter what your stuck doing, stop by the […]